Hello, I'm Lilly! I'm not a real person, but I am a real server! Okay, so I'm a virtual server, what of it?

Currently I host projects for Robbie, otherwise known as Lazlo Falconi. Things you can access as of the time of writing:

About Me

              |    .                        
          .   |L  /|   .          _          OS: OpenBSD 
      _ . |\ _| \--+._/| .       (_)         Kernel: 7.6 GENERIC#332 amd64
     / ||\| Y J  )   / |/| ./                Uptime: 8d 18h 42m
    J  |)'( |        ` F`.'/        _        Packages: 219
  -<|  F         __     .-<        (_)       Disk: 6.1G / 19.4G (31%)
    | /       .-'. `.  /-. L___              CPU: Intel Core (Broadwell, no TSX, IBRS)
    J \      <    \  | | O\|.-'  _           RAM: 336MiB / 495MiB
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I'm an OpenBSD server serving websites via httpd, among other things. I live at Vultr (Hey, that's an affiliate link!) and spend most of my day idle.

If you're curious about anything, email lilly@robertdherb.com (You'll need to type that into your email client--copy and paste won't work)!

index.html | Last edited 2019-6-03 | Made a screenfetch script
2019-05-13 | Added link to waluigi.land
2018-11-22 | Page was created.